View Findings in the Project Workbench

This view allows the user to view findings created for a specific project, work paper or RCM object (objective, risk, control or testing detail) and their current status. When you access the RCM work paper, all findings within the RCM work paper are displayed in the findings list. If you access a specific object within the RCM work paper, only the findings for that object will be listed.

  1. Access the project, work paper or RCM object.
  2. Click Findings.

    Note: The number of findings created for the project, work papers or RCM objects is displayed in the icon descriptor.

By default, the following fields will display.





Criticality of the finding.

Read only

Finding Name

Name of the finding

Hyperlink to the finding

Review Status

Status of the finding review

Read only

Mgt Response Status

Status of management's response to the finding

Read only

Note: The project findings list will display all findings created/assigned for the project, work paper or RCM objects. A list of findings for a specific object may be viewed by accessing the object (e.g. control, project test etc.) and clicking Findings.

See Also

Manage Findings in the Project Workbench

Create a Finding in the Project Workbench

Edit a Finding in the Project Workbench

Link/Unlink Findings to Other RCM Objects in the Project Workbench

Delete a Finding in the Project Workbench

Export a Findings List to Excel in the Project Workbench

Manage Findings - Management Response in the Project Workbench