Synchronize Data from Client to Server (C2S)

While you are using the Project Workbench offline, all of your changes are stored in a queue on your hard drive until you reconnect to the network. While disconnected, the C2S status bar will show a count of all changes saved to the queue in the control bar at the bottom of the screen:

IAP - Offline - Control Bar - Queue

Note: Click on the C2S status bar to open the C2S queue, which allows you to track and manage all of your changes while working offline in the Project Workbench.

When you reconnect to the network, the system will automatically "push" any new or edited project work that was completed while you were disconnected back to the server every 10 seconds. During client to server synchronization, a percentage complete will display in the C2S status bar:

Note: If you are working in Out of Browser mode, you will have to sync back to the client by clicking the IAP - Offline  - Synch Icon icon at the top right of the screen. For more information or to see if you are using Out of Browser mode, see Setup Your Laptop to use the Project Workbench.

Note: The system will synchronize any net changes to the project, and update existing data on the server.

When C2S synchronization has finished, the C2S window will show as complete and users can view the updated information from both the Project Workbench and online in the Project Portal.

IAP - Offline - Control Bar - c2S complete

See Also

Synchronize Your GP Data to Use the Project Workbench Offline

Client to Server Synchronization Queue

Synchronize Data from Server to Client (S2C)

Synchronization Troubleshooting and Conflict Resolution