Synchronize Your GP Data to Use the Project Workbench Offline

What is Synchronization?

Synchronization is the process of sharing data between the server, which houses your internal project data while you are connected to the network, and your computer. Synchronization occurs from the server to your computer (S2C) and from your computer to the server (C2S).

To successfully use the Project Workbench offline and transfer data between your computer and the main server, you must complete an initial S2C synchronization. When you access the Project Workbench while connected to the network, the basic information for all current projects and activities assigned to you are "cached" from the server into the application and saved to an encrypted location on your hard drive. You will be directed to the current projects screen, where you will select an project for synchronization. This will begin the transfer of the project, including all project-related activities (work papers, findings and other supporting documents) from the server to your computer. During synchronization, all of the selected projects and activities are "pushed" to your computer. The original copy will still reside on the server, but a duplicate is created on your local hard drive.

The synchronization process time will vary depending on the type of server you use and the amount of data you are synchronizing. Please allow enough time to synchronize your data prior to disconnecting from the network. Once synchronization is complete, you are ready to perform project work offline via the Project Workbench.

Note: See Synchronize Data from Server to Client (S2C) for more information.

While you are using the Project Workbench offline, all of your changes, as well as any email notifications that are generated based on your work, are stored in a queue on your hard drive until you reconnect to the network.

When you reconnect to the network, the system will automatically "push" any new or edited project work that was completed while you were disconnected back to the server every 10 seconds.

Note: If you are working in Out of Browser mode, you will have to sync back to the client by clicking the IAP - Offline  - Synch Icon icon at the top right of the screen. For more information or to see if you are using Out of Browser mode, see Setup Your Laptop to use the Project Workbench.

Each time you need to work offline, you will again need to synchronize your data before you disconnect. While connected, you have the option to synchronize any new changes from the server to the computer from the Current Projects screen at any time.

Note: See Synchronize Data from Server to Client (S2C) for additional information.

The Governance Portal tracks these changes through the history tab. During synchronization, the system will look for any data conflicts such as duplicate names (e.g. tests with the same name) and provide an error message, if necessary.

Note: See Synchronization Troubleshooting and Conflict Resolution for additional information.

In This Section

Synchronize Data from Server to Client (S2C)

Synchronize Data from Client to Server (C2S)

Synchronization Troubleshooting and Conflict Resolution