Review a Finding in the Project Workbench

Once management has provided a response and or comment to the finding, the projector or project team manager will review the finding. This allows the team to document the finding disposition, the nature, root cause and impact of the finding on the business. Findings where you have been assigned as the team member will be listed in the Action Items Review list.

  1. Access the Finding.
  2. Click Review.

  3. Review the finding disposition, nature, root cause and business impact information.
  4. Select a review status from the drop-down list.
  5. Enter any comments.
  6. (Optional) Click Lock or Unlock to prevent any further changes to the review section.
  7. Click icon- Save.

See Also

Manage Reviews in the Project Workbench

Review a Project in the Project Workbench

Review a Work Paper in the Project Workbench