Review a Work Paper in the Project Workbench

Project managers or other delegates will review each and every work paper. As part of the review process, they may upload attachments, insert notes and/or generate findings. The review process may take cycles of review and updates before it is considered complete. Each team can determine how best to drive their review process, with the Tasks being a primary candidate to facilitate review. Ultimately, the reviewer will update the review status and lock the work paper which prevents any changes to the analysis section.

  1. Access the work papers from the Project Workbench.
  2. Click the work paper name you wish to review.
  3. Click Review.

    Note: You may view other options (e.g. findings, attachments etc.) prior to the review to gain insight regarding the work paper.

  4. Select a review status from the drop-down list.
  5. Enter any comments.
  6. (Optional) Click Lock or Unlock to prevent any further changes to the review section.
  7. Click icon- Save.

See Also

Manage Reviews in the Project Workbench

Review a Project in the Project Workbench

Review a Finding in the Project Workbench