Manage Reviews in the Project Workbench

The review process ensures the quality of the work performed and that all necessary steps have been completed as part of the project process. Within the IA Portal, individual project components, such as work papers and findings, as well as the project itself can be reviewed on an item-by-item basis. The act of reviewing ensures that a separate responsible party has viewed, commented and approved the analysis. Project managers or other delegates will review each and every work paper. To help facilitate the review process, the project manager may wish to review and comment at the project level, which includes reviewing all work papers associated with the project individually. As part of the review process, reviewers may upload attachments, insert notes and/or generate findings. The review process may take cycles of review and updates before it is considered complete. Upon final sign-off, the reviewer will update the review status and lock the work paper to freeze the analysis and prevent any further changes to the project.

Note: If reviewing offline, the data must be synchronized before the lock feature is applied to the work papers.

In This Section

Review a Project in the Project Workbench

Review a Work Paper in the Project Workbench

Review a Finding in the Project Workbench