Add Documents to the Document Format

  1. Access the Documentation Formats page.
  2. Click the name of the document format to add documents.

    Document Formats - Add button

  3. Click Add in the Document Formats section. The Document Format form appears.

  4. Enter the name of the document in the Name text box.

    Note: Do not utilize the following characters when entering information into the Governance Portal; & * % # @ ; / \ : , - or ~. .

  5. Select a document category from the Category drop-down list.
  6. Select a document type from the Type drop-down list.
  7. Select the Primary COSO Objective, COSO Element and COSO Attribute from the respective drop-down lists.

    Note: These are optional, but recommended for reporting.

  8. Enter a description of the document.
  9. Click Save to add the document to the Document Format List.


    Click Save & Add to continue adding additional documents to the format list.


    Click Cancel to end the process without saving.

Note: The Administrator populates the potential category values from the Categories tab.

See Also

Documentation Formats

Create a Document Format

Edit a Document Format

Delete a Document Format

Link Document Formats to Entities via Spreadsheet Upload

Select a Document Format for an Organizational Unit

Select a Document Format for a Process

Select a Document Format for a Project/Event

Select a Document Format for an IT Application