Link Roles Directly to a Form
Note: In order to link roles to a form, the form must have the "Do Not Inherit" selection made in the Inherited From field.
- Access the Page List.
- Select the Default GRC context from the context menu.
- Click the Administration tab.
- Select Pages from the Layout group.
- Click the page or sub page name from the list.
- Click Expand to view the tree to locate a sub page if necessary.
- Select the form name from the Organize Forms section of the form
- Click Edit.
- Scroll to the Role List at the bottom of the form.
- Click Expand to view the Roles linked to the form.
- Click Link.
- Select the View, Add, Edit, and/or Delete check box(es) next to the role(s) to be added.
Note: To unlink a role, remove the check mark from the appropriate check box(es).
- Click Save.