Edit a Form

Editing a form allows the user to change the form attributes including who can view or edit a specific form.

  1. Access the Page List.
  2. Click the form to edit in the Organize Forms section.

    Tabs - Organize Modules

  3. Click Edit to open up the Form details.
  4. Click Edit in the Forms section.
  5. Edit the appropriate fields.



    Name & Description

    Update the form name and description as necessary

    Cache Timeout

    We recommend leaving this at zero seconds

    Default Collapsed

    Select this check box if the page should be collapsed upon access by a user

    Title Back Color & Font Color

    Enter color codes for the background and text color of the page title


    Select true from the drop-down list to allow the data to span multiple pages and page navigation to appear to the user. Select False to list all data on one page.

    Display page resize

    Select true to allow the user to determine how many records are displayed on a page. Select False to not provide the user this option.

    Display total records

    Select true to display the total number of records available. Select false to suppress this information.

    Max Result Size

    This field will be utilized in later releases.

    Default Page Size

    Enter a number to indicate the default number of records that will display on a single page.


    Max Page Size

    Enter a number to indicate the maximum number or records that can display on a single page.

    Display Show All Link

    Select true to display this option to users. Select False to suppress this option.

    Inherited From

    Select an option from the drop-down list to have this page inherit permissions from a page permission.

    Note: If a form does not inherit from a page permission, then roles must be associated to the individual form.

  6. To edit the roles permissions associated with this form, scroll down to the Roles Permission section and click Link. Assign the appropriate permissions within each role by selecting the check box next to each permission.
  7. Click Save.

See Also


Add Forms to Pages or Sub Pages

Delete a Form from a Page or Sub Page

Link Roles Directly to a Form