Update Project Test Results & Findings

You may update test results and findings at the same time via in-line editing or edit tests through the test results and findings form.

Via In-line Editing

  1. Access the Project Tests in the Action Items list or the Project RCM Evaluation.
  2. Click Edit next to the name of the test you wish to update in the Project Testing Details Evaluation section.

    Note: Click Edit All to place all tests listed in edit mode at the same time. Make updates to multiple tests, then click Save All.

    Audit Testing Details Evaluation - In-Line Edit

  3. Enter data in the text fields, select an option from the drop-down lists (e.g. tester's name and test results summary) and click Calendar Button Calendar to select the test period start and end dates.
  4. Click icon- Save.

    Note: Any additional notes, tasks or attachments may be added to the test via the available tabs.

Via Test Results & Findings

  1. Access the Project Testing Details list or the Project RCM Evaluation.
  2. Click the test name.

    Audit Testing Detail

  3. Click Edit in the Tests Results and Findings section.
  4. Click Calendar Button Calendar and then click a date for the testing period start date.
  5. Click Calendar Button Calendar and then click a date for the testing period end date.
  6. Enter any test results and findings in the comment box.
  7. Select the status of the testing from the drop-down list.
  8. Select a testing summary from the drop-down list to describe your findings.
  9. (Optional) Select the Completed checkbox to prevent any further updates to the test results. This will display as "True" after the updates have been saved.
  10. Click Save.

Note: Any additional notes, tasks or attachments may be added to the test via the available tabs.

See Also

Project Testing

Create an Ad hoc Project Test

Create an RCM Project Test

Project Test Share Property

Copy an RCM Project Test to Other Entities

Edit a Project Test

Copy a Project Test

Delete a Project Test