Edit a Quick Link

  1. Open the form that contains the Quick Link you wish to edit.
  2. In the Quick Links section, click Update Links.

  3. Click Edit.
  4. Update the bookmark Title and URL, if necessary.
  5. Click Browse to upload an icon image to display next to your Quick Link.
  6. Click Save.

    Quick LInks - Edit

See Also

Quick Links

Add a Quick Link

View a Quick Link

Sort/Delete a Quick Link

Sort/Delete a Quick Link

  1. Open the form you wish to modify.
  2. In the Quick Links section, click Update Links.

  3. Highlight a link and click icon-moveup Move Up or icon-movedown Move Down to change the sort order of the Quick Link list.
  4. To Delete a link, highlight it and click icon-deleteFilter Delete. Click OK to confirm deletion.