Project Activity Attributes in the Project Workbench

Each project contains a set of project activities that describes the type of work that will be completed during the project. Each activity is associated with a work paper which is a place to store the results of the work. Each Type of work paper has a common set of functions (e.g. attach files, etc) as well as the unique functionality that differentiates it from the other work paper types. There are 6 main types of work papers available that are used by the team member and project team to document project information.

Note: Work Papers are configurable and may be modified by your administrator to capture your work paper attributes.

Each work paper type is represented by an icon. The icons are located next to the activity name as well as on the top of the work paper form. See Project Workbench icons for a listing and description. Each work paper displays the work paper name, description and work paper status. The project name is displayed in the navigation trail above the work paper name. Below the attributes is an area to capture the work product of the activity and is specific to the type of activity. In addition, the ribbon allows you to add attachments, create findings and tasks and complete other work paper functions.

See Also

Managing Work Papers in the Project Workbench

Edit Project Activity Attributes in the Project Workbench

Access Your Electronic Work Papers in the Project Workbench

Work Paper Functions in the Project Workbench

Using Work Paper Types in the Project Workbench

Evaluate a Project RCM in the Project Workbench