Standard Measurement Points

Standard measurement points (SMP) are standard characteristics used for external comparison, typically by industry. An indicator can be linked to multiple SMPs. For example, the "Customer Complaints" risk indicator may be associated with both the Retail Banking business line as well as the Commercial Banking business line within the financial services industry. Linking an indicator to one or more SMPs is optional, and should typically only be used for external benchmarking purposes.

Default SMP field settings are established by the administrator during the configuration process prior to creating the indicator definition. When the indicator definition is created and saved, the information is automatically pre-populated in the SMP section of the indicator definition. See Configure a Form for additional information. Administrators may complete additional configuration from the standard measurement point form if necessary.

For Governance Portal clients who have also subscribed to Risk Business's KRIeX library, these categories will reflect the Risk Business categories and data.

See Also


Add a Standard Measurement Point (SMP)

Edit a Standard Measurement Point

Delete a Standard Measurement Point

Configure a Standard Measurement Point

Manage Indicators

Managing Indicator Measurements

Manage Contextual Information

Manage Measurement Points