Manage Groups

Groups are sets of closely related links in a tab.

Add a Group

Highlight the tab where you wish to add the group and click Add from the Add New Ribbon menu, or right-click the tab and click Add Group. The new group will appear in the ribbon hierarchy under the selected tab.

Reorder a Group within a Tab

Highlight the group you wish to move and drag it into the desired position within the tab.

Note: You cannot move a group from one tab to another.

Edit a Group

Right-click the group, click Edit and fill out the following properties:

  1. Name: Edit the name of the group as it will appear in the ribbon.
  2. Orientation: Choose how you would like to display the links in the selected group:
    • Vertical: Links are listed from top to bottom, with the labels to the right of the icon. This option is good for groups with a lot of links.
    • Horizontal: Links are listed from left to right, with the label below the icon. The icon is larger, but more horizontal space is used with this option.

      Rename a Group

Right-click the group and click Rename. Update the group name and click the Return key to save your changes.

Delete a Group

Right-click the group and click Delete.

Note: A group cannot be deleted if there are links in the group. First remove the links before deleting the group.

See Also

Ribbon Management

Manage Tabs

Manage Links

Manage Security