Action Plan Templates

Action plan templates define the action plans that will be sent according a specific response to a question in an assessment. The action plan templates can be used in multiple assessments, and using multiple action plan templates allows questions to be configured to generate different action plans according to the users' response to the question.

  1. Access the Action Plan Templates page.

Folder Options

Right-click the folder and select from the following options:

  1. icon-add folder_4x Add Folder: Adds a folder under the folder you selected. Type a name for the new folder, and press Enter.
  2. Delete: Deletes the selected folder. Click OK to confirm deletion.
  3. Rename: Renames the folder. Type a new name for the folder, and press Enter.

Add an Action Plan Template

Right-click on a folder and select Add Action Plan Template. Enter the fields in the Action Plan Template screen (link) and click Save. The new action plan template will appear under the selected folder.

Edit an Action Plan Template

Right-click the template and select View and Edit. Enter the fields in the Action Plan Template screen (link) and click Save.

Delete an Action Plan Template

Right-click the template and select Delete. Click OK to confirm deletion.

See Also


Action Plan Template Screen

Email Templates

Question Templates

Design Templates