Access Your Electronic Work Papers

Electronic work papers may be accessed from a variety of areas within the IA Portal. For most team members, the quickest way to access assigned work papers is via the Action Items List/Work Papers or My Portal/My Project.

Action Items - Quickly access work papers that have been assigned to you for completion or review. See Action Items for additional information.

My Portal - Another view that allows you to view and access work papers that have been assigned to you for completion.

Project Execution - access all work papers associated with pending, current and complete projects within the Governance Portal. See Project Execution for additional information.

Search - utilize the search functionality to locate specific work papers by type (e.g. standard, meeting & interview etc.). Employ filters to locate the work paper for a specific project. See Searches for additional information.

Once accessed, each work paper is comprised of an attribute section that describes the work paper and a function section that allow you to complete and review your project work.

See Also

Manage Electronic Work Papers