Navigating the Project Workbench

The Project Workbench utilizes a very graphical, easy-to-use interface designed to simplify user navigation, reduce training time, and improve user acceptance, understanding and usability.

The Project Workbench uses three main features to assist users in navigation:

  1. Icons: User friendly icons are used throughout the application. Icons are used to 1) identify objects and assist the user in understanding where they are located in the application, 2) to display the status of an object and 3) are used to navigate to specific views or execute a function. Many of the icons include a description when you move your mouse over the icon.
  2. Ribbon: Located at the top of the application, the ribbon contains icons and options that categorize functions that the user can navigate to or execute within the Governance Portal (e.g. Edit, Review).
  3. Navigation Trail: Sometimes referred to as a bread crumb trail, this path documents the route the user selected to get to the current view. Keywords and icons are displayed in the path on the screen. Users may click any of these options to return to that screen. In addition, a drop-down menu is available from this text which provides further navigation in the Project Workbench.

In This Section

Project Workbench Icons

Using the Navigation Ribbon

Using the Navigation Trail

Configuring the Project Workbench