Edit an Indicator measurement

Indicator measurements can be edited as long as they have not been locked for the period. Only users in the admin role may unlock a measurement.

  1. Access the appropriate object (RCM, risk, control, objective, financial element, risk event category).
  2. Click the Indicators tab.
  3. Click the Indicator reference in the Indicators section or utilize the indicator measurement search to locate the measurement to edit.
  4. Click Edit in the Measurements section next to the period to edit.

    Note: Only measurements that have not been locked (false) can be edited.

  5. Enter the new value.
  6. Click icon- Save to save the measurement as a new measurement.

Note: The variance is automatically updated based on the established thresholds and the new measurement entered.

See Also

Managing Indicator Measurements

View Assigned Indicator Measurements

Score an Indicator Measurement Point

Search for Indicator Measurements

Add an Indicator Measurement Period

Lock an Indicator Measurement

Delete an Indicator Measurement