Add an Indicator Measurement Period

Indicator measurement periods may be added individually by the user or they may be automatically created based on the contextual information established by the project team (e.g. auto create functionality). "See Add Contextual Information to an Indicator" for additional information.

  1. Access the Indicators for the object (RCM, risk, control, objective, financial element, risk event category).
  2. Click the Indicator Reference for the indicator to be scored.
  3. Click icon-Add Add in the Measurements section.

    Note: You may need to click the Measure tab to view the measurements section.

  4. Click Calendar Button Calendar to enter the period start and end date.

    Note: The rest of the information will be completed by the user assigned to score the indicator. See Score an Indicator Measurement Point for additional information.

  5. Click icon- Save.

See Also

Managing Indicator Measurements

View Assigned Indicator Measurements

Score an Indicator Measurement Point

Search for Indicator Measurements

Edit an Indicator measurement

Lock an Indicator Measurement

Delete an Indicator Measurement