Evaluate a Risk Event Category

Evaluations are used to assess the residual risk represented by a risk event category. Evaluations are periodic in nature, and separate from the main attributes of a risk event category.

  1. Access the Risk Event Analysis.
  2. Click the name of the Risk Event Category you wish to evaluate.

    Note: The Residual Risk Assessment section and the Risks linked to this risk event category.

  3. Click Edit in the Residual Risk Assessment section.
  4. Complete the assessment. The scoring model linked to the risk event category will determine which of the following options are available for assessment.
    • Select an option from the drop-down list to assess the impact and likelihood of residual risk.
    • Enter a numeric value for impact and likelihood of residual risk.
  5. Click icon-Select User Select User or icon-Add User Group Select User Group to enter an evaluator name
    • Enter text that contains the name, email address or network ID of the user you wish to select and click Search or click Show All.

      Note: A list of users containing, (not equaling), the entered text will display in the search results.

    • Click the name of the user or click Select No User to indicate the user is not required.
  6. Enter any comments.
  7. Select the status of the assessment from the drop-down list.
  8. Select a period end date from the drop-down list.

    Note: The status of the review for this assessment is displayed.

  9. Click Save.

Note: The last modified by and date are automatically updated.

See Also

Risk Event Analysis

View the Risk Event Analysis

Add a Risk Event Category to a Risk Event Analysis

Edit a Risk Event Analysis Risk Event Category

Delete a Risk Event Category from a Risk Event Analysis

Link Existing Risks to a Risk Event Analysis Risk Event Category

Add Risks to a Risk Event Analysis Risk Event Category

Complete a Risk Event Analysis

Risk Event Category Quick Report

Configure Your Action Plans