View Archived Evaluations

Evaluations from previous periods can be archived and viewed later by process owners performing re-evaluations, management or other key stakeholders wishing to view the history of a particular control's evaluation. Evaluations can be archived for the following objects in the system:

  1. Click on the object (e.g. process, objective, risk, or control) from the appropriate list on the Risk Control Matrix.
  2. Click History.

  3. Click on the specific archive date to view the archived evaluation information.
  4. Click Return to go back to the object archives list.

Note: Action plans, tasks, notes, and attachments are not archived; these tabs reflect all action plans, tasks, notes, and attachments created over time for this control (not exclusive to this archive record).

See Also

Leverage RC Matrix Information from Library

Apply an RCM template to a single process

View Archived RCMs