Create a Risk Control Matrix Template Group

The Governance Portal provides the ability to develop Risk Control Matrix Templates. These templates provide a mechanism to consistently document the internal control framework for given processes. The Risk Control Matrix Templates are most useful if associated with a process, organizational unit, IT Application, or Project/ Event. To the degree that objectives, risk event categories, risks, controls and tests are homogenous across multiple organizational units, a single template can be leveraged to substantially increase the efficiency of the documentation and analysis effort.

From a procedural standpoint, it is advised that a small group of project team members be assigned with the task of collecting, inputting and validating Risk and Control Templates. Their final activity is to move the status to "importable" which will signal the user that this matrix can be leveraged.

The end result of the Risk and Control Template is the facilitation of consistency/quality and the minimization of data entry.

  1. Access the Risk Matrix Templates page.

    Risk Matrix Temp Groups - View

  2. Click Add.

  3. Enter a name and description for the new template group.
  4. Click Save.

Note: The status column indicates the readiness of the risk matrix template to be utilized by end users.

See Also

Risk Matrix Templates

Add a Risk Control Matrix to the Template Group

Push Risk and Control Templates to Entities via Spreadsheet Upload