Browse By Assessments

If you selected the Assessment radio button, a list of all of the assessments in the system will appear:

AM 4.0 - Browse - Assessments

  1. Mark the checkbox next an assessment in the list. The list of responses to the assessment will appear below the assessment list.
    • Export: Click Export response data to Export the response data to Excel. Click Export table to export the assessment list.
    • Hide Archived Assessments: Click icon-hide archiveNOVI Hide archived to remove archived assessments from the list.
  2. Response Options: Mark the checkbox next to a response and choose from the response options:
    • View: Click View to see the details of a response, including the individual answers to each question in the assessment.
    • Clear: Click icon-clear Clear to delete a response from the list
    • Reopen a Response: Click icon-ResetNOVI Reopen to mark a completed response as not complete. If the assessor resumes completing the assessment, they will be brought back to the first page in the survey. However, all of the data for the response will remain.
    • Export Responses: Click Export table to export the response list to Excel.

See Also

Browse Responses

Browse By Respondent