Create a Question Template

Note: Required fields have an asterisk (*) next to them.

  1. Access the Question Template List screen.
  2. Click Create New Question Template. The Add library screen displays.

  3. * Question Template name: Specify a name for the template.
  4. Question Template description Enter a description for the template.
  5. Question Template type: Select the type of question template you want to use from the drop-down list.

    Note: You cannot select Project as a Question Template type. For more information, see Create a Project Assessment

  6. Mark the Public or Global checkbox to enable all the users to view and modify the question template.

    Note: If neither checkbox is marked, only the owner(s) of the template will be able to view/modify the question template.

  7. Select one of the following from the Status drop-down list.
    • Active: Can be modified and included in an assessment.
    • Frozen: Cannot be modified, but can be included in an assessment.
    • Frozen & Inactive: Cannot be included in an assessment.
  8. * Languages: Add language(s) to the template by highlighting a language in the Available column and clicking the icon-move.right Right Arrow. The selection will be moved to the Selected column. Conversely, remove language(s) from the template by highlighting a language in the Selected column and clicking the icon-move.left Left Arrow. The selection will be moved to the Available column.

    Note: Press and hold the Ctrl key on your keyboard to select/highlight multiple languages at the same time.

    • With spell checker: This is the default option that displays only those languages for which a spell checker is available.

      Note: Languages with a spell checker have an asterisk next to them. For example, English (Australia) [en-AU]*

    • All: Displays all the languages available.
  9. Owners: Specify owner(s) for the template by marking the checkbox next to an owner. To add a new owner, click Add Question Template owner, select a name from the User drop-down list, and click Add. To remove an owner, click the checkbox next to it and click Delete.
  10. Click Save to save the question template, or Cancel to return to the Question Template List screen without saving.
  11. Once you have created your question template, you can add questions and visual elements.

    Note: See Manage Questions/Visual Elements for more information on adding, editing, and deleting questions.

See Also

Question Templates

Edit a Question Template

Delete a Question Template