Calculate the Total Score

The total score is the sum of all the scores within the Assessment.

  1. Access the Assessment Hierarchy.
  2. Right-click the assessment from the assessment hierarchy tree and select icon-ScoringNOVI Scoring.
  3. Alternatively, right-click the default assessment folder (Ad-hoc Assessments or Templates) where your assessment is housed, and select View Assessment.

    Note: You will not see the View Assessment icon on right-clicking the main assessment folder.

  4. Select the check box next to the assessment in the list and click icon-ScoringNOVI Scoring.
  5. Click the Total score tab
  6. Click Edit.
  7. Score name: The name of the score as it will appear to the assessor.
  8. Maximum: The maximum value for the score. The maximum value is used only when computing the score as a percentage. Click Calculate to calculate the maximum value using the question answers, maximum point values and maximum number of allowed answers for the questions.
  9. Adjustments to maximum: Select the checkbox next to the following options to adjust the score to a lower value based on the assessor's responses:
  10. 'Other' answers for multiple choice questions and matrices: The maximum score will decrease from the maximum point value for multiple choice question and matrices where the respondent chooses the 'Other/NA' answer.
  11. Unanswered questions: The maximum score will decrease from the maximum point value for questions where the respondent does not provide an answer.
  12. Unanswered matrix rows: the maximum score will be decrease by the maximum point value for matrix row where the respondent does not provide an answer.
  13. Format: Select the checkbox to determine whether you would like to view the score results by a percentage, absolute (i.e. a point value)) or absolute and percentage together.

See Also

Assessment Scoring

Add and Manage Assessment Scores

Manage Score Interpretations